
SAC Shooting Terms & Conditions

It is your responsibility to review our Terms and Conditions before attending any of our experiences.

  • All clients are advised to obtain insurance to cover the eventuality of Governmental bans, including travel restrictions imposed by all UK Governments (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales) and severe weather as charges will be made.

  • A NON-REFUNDABLE deposit equivalent to one day’s shooting (for each party member), to be paid no later than 7 working days after confirmation of booking.

  • If the number of guns confirmed at the time of booking do not appear for the shoot, the charge for those missing will be split equally between the rest of the party.

  • If any member of a shooting party is found to be under the influence of alcohol prior to any shoot, he may be told he is NOT SHOOTING, BUT WILL STILL BE CHARGED.

  • Any unpaid cheques will incur a charge of £25.

  • Anyone cancelling a shooting break within 30 working days of the commencement date will be liable for the full cost of the break.

  • Anyone cancelling during a shooting break or package will be liable for all cost for that break.

  • A service charge will be made for all birds not taken away.

  • Geese are limited to 5 to 7 per gun per shoot.

  • As with any wild bird, there can be no guarantee given as to the number of birds killed on any one day.

  • Anyone using a firearm or shotgun, must be in possession of a valid certificate.

  • All customers are requested to pick up spent cartridges and any other rubbish and leave the field in a clean and tidy condition.

  • Non UK residents require to have a UK Visitors Permit and police Scotland require to have the appropriate paperwork at least 6 weeks before the arrival date in order to process the permit .

  • All shooting with SAC Shooting takes place over private farmland and shooters are asked to respect the farmer’s property and equipment.

  • All decoying equipment and camouflage nets are supplied by SAC Shooting and shooters are asked to respect this as broken / damaged equipment has to be replaced and any damage will be charged for.

    Cartridges can be purchased in the area from the local gunsmiths.

  • Please remember that this is part of the food chain that is being shot.

  • All ponds operated by SAC Shooting are now lead free, i.e. no lead based shot is to be used.

  • When shooting, please DO NOT shoot brown hares.

  • When shooters are picking up shot birds, please DO NOT shoot when they are doing this.

  • Only Pinkfoot and Greylag geese to be shot.

  • Please be aware of dogs when decoying geese and ducks.

  • No shooting on the ground or water unless your guide says it is OK.

  • Please be very careful and think safety at all times.

  • Each member of a shooting party must be fully insured and details of insurance including expiry date to be given to SAC Shooting.

Please be very careful and think safety at all times.

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